Thursday, July 9, 2015


I'm finally updated the blog again!  Here are some pictures from Christmas.  We spent Christmas Eve with my family and Christmas Day with Brandon's as well as a few days after.  I failed at taking pictures this year but here a few that I did get.

Clara really likes to unload things.  Well she found my Mom's potato flakes box and before we could do anything it was snowing inside!  She was so happy!

 Christmas Eve at Grandma's house!

 Opening presents Christmas morning!
Playing with Nana Nette!

My little brother and his wife got a beautiful dog, Copper.  He and Clara have a very special relationship.  He tolerates her and she loves him. 

So many Christmas outfits!

We went and looked at the lights downtown in Brigham and then we walked over to the Tabernacle to see the Nativity.  I loved watching all the kids run around looking at the lights.  It was lots of fun.  I wish I would have been better at taking pictures but I think you get the idea. :)

Monday, March 9, 2015

Thanksgiving... kind of.

So I didn't really take pictures at Thanksgiving but the week before my sister had her baby so I have pictures of Kendra.  :)

Friday, March 6, 2015


I am super behind in posting so I'm going to try and catch up before this new baby comes. My first stop is Halloween!
I started to make this super cute peacock tutu for Clara but every time I would try to put it on her she cried. So my mom dug out my brother Derek's first costume, a pumpkin! She didn't really get into the trick or treating or care for pumpkin carving but she sure loved the candy.   :)

Friday, January 2, 2015

While Daddy is Away

I'm going to skip a little bit. (Don't worry I will post pictures from earlier events, I'm just on the wrong computer.)  In April Brandon decided that he'd like to pursue a job instead of Grad school so we started looking for one.  It was a long and semi-stressful search but we have been blessed recently with a great job.  

Brandon on his first day of work!  I am so proud of this guy.  It was not an easy process to find this job and there were some pretty bleak looking days.  But he stuck it out and found the job that he really wanted.  We had a lot of help and couldn't have made it through without all the family and friends who supported us.  So thank you to everyone who kept their eyes open, gave us referrals, and fasted and prayed for us!

Clara loves her Daddy and we have to wander the house multiple times a day looking for him.  But in between wanderings we have to keep busy.  Here is a little look into our day.

We take pictures of ourselves.
And what's better than taking our pants on and wearing them on our head?

We love baths!

We nap while watching Frozen and make grumpy faces even when we're happy.
 We help Grandma decorate Grandpa's headstone.
We love dressing up, reading, and sitting on Mom's face.

We miss Daddy every day and can't wait until he gets home every day to play with us.

We are also super excited to announce that we are adding a sweet little boy to our family in May!  It will be crazy and fun and we can't wait!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Getting So Big!

Someone let our little girl get way too big.  Not only is she growing every day, she thinks that she's big enough to do all sorts of things.  She climbs on chairs, couches, ladders, basically everything she can.  She communicates better every day.  She can sign 'more' which is really helpful.  She can say hi, bye, mama, dada, doggy, ducky, ball, baa (that's a lamb), oo oo (monkey), and knows that dogs bark and bears, dragons, etc. growl.  Here is a little bit of a photo dump of our growing girl.

Riding in the stroller around Grandma Lee's kitchen with cousin Kedric.

She loves to feed herself!

This girl also LOVES ducks!

Shout out to my Aunt Joni and Uncle Jerold for the super cute outfit.

Something that we have found is that Clara loves to stack and unstack things.  She will spend 20 minutes on one thing.  She played with these cups for forever.  She's really meticulous and likes to figure out how things fit in each other.

I guess we'll have to talk to her about drinking and driving.

This little outfit belonged to my sister and I.  It's one of my favorites to put on her.

She's got her keys and her phone, what else do you need?

How about a box?

And a drawer full of tupperware?

Our little monkey.

All bundled to go for a walk in the dark.

There are a lot more pictures to come... I'm a little bit behind.  The next ones will show Bear Lake, our move, Peach Days, and a few other adventures. :)